Posts tagged 2012
Heartwood Farm

A powerful late May hail storm took out the majority of Andy's spring crops, as well as summer transplants ready to go in the ground. A VFF Emergency Loan aided the farm's recovery and positioned it for growth by providing funds to invest in equipment and a greenhouse.

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Elmore Roots Nursery

Just before the peak sales season for Elmore Roots, Tropical Storm Irene washed out their entrance road, rendered their orchard inaccessable and mangled a greenhouse that protects vulnerable young fruit plants from freezing temperatures. Recovery from their $85,000 loss needed to begin immediately and an interest-free emergency loan from the Vermont Farm Fund helped that effort.

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Joe's Brook Farm

Joe's Brook actually suffered two major flooding events in 2011, the second of which was Tropical Storm Irene. With decreased income and extraordinary expenses, a VFF Emergency Loan enabled Eric and Mary to purchase supplies, seeds and propane so that they were in a position to start fresh in the spring.

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