Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur
Based on a farm in Albany, Vermont, Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur is a small production, artisanal brewer of mixed-culture beer that features local malt and hops as well as produce and foraged ingredients. They are building a new brewhouse in an old cheese cave and will use the loan for purchasing equipment and start-up supplies and raw materials. Owner and founder Vasilios Gletsos started Wunderkammer Bier in 2016 as a side project while working at Hill Farmstead in Greensboro. He sells and distributes Wunderkammer throughout Vermont, as well as shipping to New York, North Carolina, Oregon, California as well as England and Belgium.
Wunderkammer Bier is closely tied to the local agricultural economy through the purchase of malt from Peterson Quality Malts in Charlotte, VT, plus raw grains from other Vermont farms. The spent grain is also returned to farmers after brewing to serve as feed for animals. While every brew is different, other local additions include hops from Whiefield Hops in East Hardwick, honey from Northwoods Apiary in Westfield, herbs from Foster Farm Botanicals in East Calais, and vegetables from Pete’s Greens in Craftsbury. Wunderkammer also brews using a wood-fired kettle fired by locally sourced wood.
I want to create beers that celebrate as well as are reflective of the Vermont landscape and agriculture and express a sense of place, namely, the Northeast Kingdom.
Image courtesy Punch