Bread and Butter Farm
Wind damaged greenhouse at Bread and Butter Farm
At the end of October 2017, a strong wind storm swept through Vermont causing downed trees, power lines, and a variety of damage. At Bread and Butter Farm in Shelburne, they lost the plastic off their largest high tunnel, had minor damage to the new roll up sides of their new high tunnel, and a small propagation greenhouse was completely destroyed. With a $10,000 Emergency Loan from the Vermont Farm Fund, Bread and Butter Farm was able to repair both high tunnels in time to salvage some of the winter greens and crops growing inside.
Wind tore the plastic off the high tunnel at Bread and Butter Farm
Bread and Butter Farm is a diversified farm producing 100% grassfed beef, pastured pork, heritage turkeys, organic veggies (year-round), and hosts weekly Burger Nights throughout the summer, a weekly CSA, farm store, and educational programs including summer camps, Village School and UVM farmer training. Music for Sprouts and Blank Page Cafe are two separate businesses that also operate from the farm.